Frequently Asked Questions

Can I assign the #BlackintheIvory Tweets as curriculum for a webinar / university course / training?
While the tweets generated by the hashtag are considered publicly-accessible records, anyone who wishes to use the tweets should honor an Ethic of Care and identify a few Ways to Offer Compensation.
I am outraged by the stories shared by Blackademic TRUTHtellers and want to do something. Do you have suggestions?
You should be outraged by the stories and they should activate you to want to make change within your sphere of influence. First, there are so many resources available on the internet about how people (with various identity frames) can fight against anti-Black racism and anti-Blackness. So please do the work to google those resources on your own time. You can kickstart your brainstorming process by reading the #BlackintheIvory Infographic on this website to learn how you can handle our stories with care. Then, head to the Bookstore to identify some books that you can purchase.
Can I hire Dr. Davis to speak about the work of #BlackintheIvory to my workplace / organization / webinar / conference?
It is always an honor to receive an invitation to speak about #BlackintheIvory. You can submit speaker requests via the e-form on The Creator page or via email.
Can I interview Dr. Davis about the work of #BlackintheIvory for my webseries / book / article /podcast?
Again, it is always an honor to receive an invitation to speak about this work. All requests for media interviews can be submitted via e-form on The Creator page or via email.

Can I name my event after #BlackintheIvory?
Yes, but with permission. Please contact Dr. Davis by submitting a request via the e-form on The Creator page. Please note that Dr. Davis prefers for events to be named after #BlackintheIvory if she is one of the featured speakers. It is ok, however, to cite #BlackintheIvory in the context of a broader talk, discussion, or session. As always, please ensure that the mission of #BlackintheIvory is clear and credited accurately.
Can I create an ad campaign using #BlackintheIvory?
Absolutely not. No one should capitalize nor make money off of the ideas of a Black woman or the pain of Black people. If you are interested in creating a TV show, documentary, film, or some other media project in the spirit of #BlackintheIvory and as a way to raise awareness about anti-Black racism in academia, then please contact The Creator.
Can I cite #BlackintheIvory in my book or article?
Absolutely, but with proper credit! Please keep in mind the mission of Black in the Ivory and where possible and appropriate tag the Twitter hashtag #BlackintheIvory and the Twitter handles @BlackintheIvory and @DrShardeDavis.
Can I discuss #BlackintheIvory in the classroom or as a small part of a larger event?
Absolutely, but again, do so with proper credit! Please keep in mind the mission of Black in the Ivory and where possible and appropriate tag the Twitter hashtag #BlackintheIvory and the Twitter handles @BlackintheIvory and @DrShardeDavis.
Where can I read more about #BlackintheIvory?
An official BLACK IN THE IVORY™ book is in the works! Head to the page to read more details. The book is set to release in Spring 2023.
*Please note: In the spirit of #CiteBlackWomen and #CiteASistah, it is important to share that this page (language, structure, etc.) was inspired by the FAQ page for Shine Theory that was conceptualized by Aminatou Sow and Ann Friedman.