Welcome to the home space for #BlackintheIvory— a “hashtag turned movement” that amplifies the voices of Blackademics who speak truth about anti-black racism in academia.

The Black in the Ivory™ Book
Get excited! The book that many of you have asked for over the years is OUT NOW! Learn more about the book and get your copy today.
Supplemental Resources
Black in the Ivory™ is committed to assisting readers on the journey toward enlightenment, growth, and healing. Click here to access an ever-growing list of resources that will assist you in the process.
Bless A Black Graduate Project
Black in the Ivory™ is continuing the tradition of creating an opportunity for current Black graduate students to receive a monetary blessing via an e-payment app. Learn how you can receive a blessing or be a blessing!

Bring Black in the Ivory™
to your university!
Would you like to have The Creator, Dr. Shardé M. Davis, speak about #BlackintheIvory to your campus community? Learn more about how to submit a speaking engagement request. Head to the bottom of the “Meet the Creator” page for more information.
Featured in
The New Yorker
Hot off the press! The Twitter hashtag #BlackintheIvory has opened the door for important conversations about anti-Black racism in academia. Read more about it in this article.

Behind the Hashtag
The Creator
Dr. Shardé M. Davis envisioned the idea for the hashtag, #BlackintheIvory, one night on June 6th to share her own stories of anti-Black racism during her years in academia as an undergraduate researcher, graduate student, and faculty person. But these issues are not new to her. In fact, she has been championing issues of race and racism for years. Learn more about her research and social justice work within and beyond academia.
Origin & Press
People from around the world are finally attending to the fact that anti-Black racism and anti-Blackness exist in one of the oldest and presumably liberal institutions in the US– academia. What an honor that some of the most premiere press outlets, including The New York Times, Nature, and Chronicle of Higher Education, have taken an interest in this story, more specifically how a hashtag could spark a global conversation.

Video Production for the Behind the Idea Promo
Wade Curry
Smoov Media